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Pixma Pro-10s

Tinte für Canon® Pixma Pro-10s

We offer the alternative ink product Pigmera® C1 for the Pixma Pro-10s. Refill ink is available in bottle sizes of 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, and 1000ml.

Refill with Pigmera® C1

With Pigmera® C1 inks, the original cartridges from the printer manufacturer can be refilled. The process for reusing or continuing to use a refilled ink cartridge is as follows:

Option 1 (without Chip-Resetter)
The printer indicates an empty ink cartridge.
After refilling the cartridge, it is reinserted into the printer.
Press and hold the STOP button on the printer for 5 seconds to deactivate the ink level check of the device.
You can continue printing. Refer to the printer's manual for instructions. Regularly check the cartridge by weighing or shaking it to determine when it needs to be refilled again.

Option 2 (with Chip-Resetter)
The chip of the original cartridge can be reset using our compatible chip resetter.
This allows the ink level indicators to remain accurate

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