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Pure black and white


Black and white photo print with carbon pigment,
makes many printer models to fine art printer

CARBONPRINT - Black & White pure with Photo-, Tank- & Largeformat Printers

Carbonprint is an ink product based on carbon pigments, to which no or only minimal amounts of color pigments are added. This achieves an extremely high durability of the prints, assuming the use of correspondingly long-term stable papers. Carbonprint is therefore the perfect solution for photographers with a preference for matte papers and prints in a natural warm, warm-neutral, or neutral black tone. Carbonprint is compatible with all purely matte photo and fine art papers without glossy coatings.

How to print?

The user replaces the color cartridges of his Epson® printer with the ink cartridges filled with carbon print, or, if using a tank printer, the tanks are filled with the respective gray inks according to the instructions. The tanks should be clean, without any color ink residue. Depending on the printer model, some cleaning procedures may need to be performed to transport the ink to the print head. The printer is now ready for fine art prints with carbon print. Send an image file to the printer as a desaturated RGB or grayscale file and it will output as a rich black and white image. You don't have to learn complicated software, just print your photos the way you're used to.

For advanced users, there is an optional possibility to use pre-made or custom ICC profiles. This allows for optimizing the tonal values to your printer, ink, and paper combination in the print.

  • Carbonprint Museum - 100% Carbon pigment in a natural warm tone
  • Carbonprint Graphite - 100% Carbon pigment, partially neutralized
  • Carbonprint Graphite 2 - 100% Carbon pigment, partially neutralized, updated tonal values for newer printer models

Choose a Carbonprint product category:

Carbonprint Museum

Carbonprint Museum means pure carbon pigments. Create extremely durable prints in a naturally warm tone.

Carbonprint Graphite

With Carbonprint Graphite is a neutralized carbon pigment based ink. Use it to create almost neutral prints.

Carbonprint Graphite 2

The Carbonprint Graphite 2 ink has adjusted tonal values ​​for newer printer models. Again, create almost neutral prints.

Perfect tonal values ​​when printing with Carbonprint inks

Optimize the tonal values ​​of your Carbonprint prints with suitable ICC profiles. On our download page for ICC profiles you will find ready-made ICC profiles for many well-known printer papers for some printer models.

ICC-Profil Downloads

Or you can use our ICC profile service and have an ICC profile created to suit your printer, ink and paper combination.


Order a sample to look at a Carbonprint: