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CLI-526 / PGI-525

Ink for Canon® CLI-526 / PGI-525

farbenwerk Coloration CD - Alternative to the original inks

Compatible printers:

  • Canon® Pixma IP 4850, IP 4950
  • Canon® Pixma IX 6550
  • Canon® Pixma MG 5140, MG 5150
  • Canon® Pixma MG 5240, MG 5250, MG 5340, MG 5350
  • Canon® Pixma MG 6150, MG 6200, MG 6250
  • Canon® Pixma MG 8150, MG 8200, MG 8240, MG 8250
  • Canon® Pixma MX 710, MX 715
  • Canon® Pixma MX 885, MX 890, MX 895 



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